22 July 2008

Blinkers: not just pretty flashing lights

I hate Utah drivers, they NEVER seem to signal. I'll admit that is a gross generalization, but it's still fairly accurate. In fact, today I was driving behind a cop...who came to a complete stop in the middle of the right lane and turned into a parking lot ALL WITHOUT SIGNALING. How can we expect others to signal, when we can't even get the cops to signal?



Amy said...

Wow. I think some of the deal as far as changing lanes goes is that in Utah, people will close up any gaps you may have been able to merge into when you signal. It was a huge shock to come to Denver and have people actually move out of the way when I signaled. That cop, however, has no excuse.

Thirdmango said...

Wow, have you been driving in Boston lately? Cause I have, and I get cut off every day, literally cut off by people who don't signal. People weaving in and out, no signaling. I prefer Utah not signaling to Boston's insane not signaling. You have it good there.

Xan said...

Amy: Yeah, I've noticed. I hate when driver's speed up so you can't get in front...

3M: Hmmmm...you may have a point, but I preferred D.C. driver's to Utah's...and L.A. driver's to Utah's...so we'll see. :)