15 November 2010

Damn...I Had a Good Rant Too

I had a rant all prepared about how much my life sucks and how much I hate my job. It also included plenty of "I know I should be grateful, but I'm not." Things such as "it insults my intelligence" and "Clearly, I wasn't meant to get my Masters." Also on the list was "I'm never going to tell anyone to get a degree of any kind, because I'm still stuck in a job that someone with a HSD would do....so it's not worth it." And end it with a "God doesn't care. I don't care if you think he does, because I'm just not feeling it right now. And that's fine. Don't tell me that I'm wrong."

Those were the highlights.

Then I opened my email. One of my former students, with whom I also took a class, emailed my former advisor. The place he works is looking for editors in his department. Working for his boss. He's going to tell his boss to look for my application. I'm filling it out tonight.

They say networking is the way to get jobs. I hope this works.


Kristie said...

Good luck I'll be praying for you. Loved seeing you this weekend.

Cynthia said...

Lots of luck...not that you need it because you are super awesome :)