16 March 2009

No Two Are Ever The Same

This will be a follow up to the last post in a way. They've always said not two snowflakes are identical. There are always differences. And then the obvious parallel is that no two people are ever identical. I appreciate the differences. I relish the differences. I love finding the differences. It makes me happy.

On Saturday a debate broke out over such differences. This I'm not okay with as I was hurt by the comments made by people I know and love. Our differences clashed and my family and friends took sides. I'm not sorry for the discussion that ensued, as it gave me a reason to explain, at large, where I'm coming from. I wear my cross proudly, and will never be ashamed of that. My last post was to clear up misconceptions; this post to celebrate the differences in the world.

Imagine how boring it'd be if everyone were the same. That is a world where there is no invention and no progress. No healthy discussion of issues that are important for everyone to understand. There would be nothing to live for as there would be nothing to take notice of. It'd be the same thing day in and day out.

Celebrate Differences.

This post is part of the Blue-Beta Blog Coordination, a continuing series of content coordinated by theme or motif with posts from Confuzzled of I Keep Wondering, Gromit of The Dancing Newt, Redoubt of Redoubt Redux, and Yarjka of Sour Mayonnaise. This week's theme: 'Snowflakes'.


Redoubt said...

I once read a sci-fi short story about a world in which the government forced everyone to be the same. Those with natural gifts or talents were handicapped somehow (strong people were chained to heavy things to drag around, intelligent people had earpieces that would intermittently transmit loud noises to interrupt their thoughts, etc.). All in the name of enforcing the principle "all men are created equal." It was interesting but I can't remember what it was called.

Xan said...

Dang...if you remember let me know. It's sounds like it would be an interesting read.

Mary said...

Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut